PM Blog

Turning Machines

Reducing Cycle Times with Vertical Turning

Here's a look at Emag's 250 platform, the company's latest lineup of inverted vertical turning lathes.

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Automated Chip Processing Meets Demanding Goals

Forward thinking manufacturers know they need to optimize every aspect of their manufacturing operations in order to survive and prosper.

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Cutting Tools

Faster Centerline Drilling with Continuous Pecks

One of the most difficult small-part turning operations does not involve a turning tool at all, but instead involves a drill.

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The Process Control Imperative

Tough economic times force manufacturers to look for ways to improve efficiency while reducing costs.

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The Way Forward

It’s true that the Great Recession that we are only now climbing out of has left many in the precision parts-making industry badly beaten.

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Maslow and Metalworking

At the PMPA National Technical Conference this spring, I got a memory jog, compliments of Bill Cox of Cox Manufacturing Company and Mike Petrusch, V.P. of manufacturing.

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Connecting the Technologies

This Missouri shop uses new advances in machine to machine communications to achieve its goals of lights out manufacturing and quick changeover.

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How are PMPA Members Promoting Workers’ Safety?

Regardless of the size of an operation, every business owner knows that promoting workplace safety is not only the right thing to do, but it’s an absolute must, according to the Department of Labor.

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Technical Member Profile: Chicago Extruded Metals Co.

Chicago Extruded Metals Company (CXM) is a leading manufacturer of extruded brass shapes in rod, bar and wire.

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A Bird's-Eye View of Vertical Turning

In the right applications, vertical turning can provide significant production benefits through higher capacity, rigidity, versatility, and ease of automation. Here’s a look at several examples of vertical turning at its finest.

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The Only Question

There are a lot of questions that we need to answer every day. “Did my parts ship?” “Did the material arrive?” “Where is that special tool?” “Does anybody know where the tool room guy went?” “Who is John Galt?”Who?

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Machining Exotics

Production machining has changed from large runs of parts carved out of free machining materials to smaller runs of parts from much more difficult to machine materials. Learn how to adjust to this challenge.

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