PM Blog

Cutting Tools

Strategy Change Leads to Performance Boost

The application of a Horn Type 636 slot milling cutter has set new standards of accuracy, tool life, process reliability and costs for milling recesses on planetary gears at Sitec Aerospace in Bad Tölz, Bavaria, Germany.

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Switching to Swiss Without a Guide Bushing

When the part doesn't require a guide bushing, being able to remove that housing provides increased flexibility and often even improves accuracy.

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A Time for Action: Members Answer the Call

Over the past 9 months, when called upon, PMPA members have responded in record numbers by using the association’s online Action Alert system.

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President Obama Visits EMC Precision Machining

EMC Precision Machining, a longtime PMPA member, was a stop on President Barack Obama’s tour of Northeast Ohio on January 22.

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A Manufacturing Mandate

We are pleased that the Obama Administration has recognized that a strong manufacturing sector is important to America’s vitality.

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Trends in Swiss Machining

This Florida medical manufacturer is an expert in the production of complex medical parts on CNC Swiss machines. Their job shop has evolved from 18 to 135 employees by efficient production of small, difficult parts for the demanding medical industry. And moving forward, the shop’s co-founder only sees better things ahead.

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Statistical Process Control Goes Visual

In the world of manufacturing, there is a perception that Statistical Process Control (SPC) software is beneficial only to OEMs and large Tier 1 suppliers.

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The Right Clamp Makes a Difference

Clamping has often proven to be the Achilles heel of hard machining.

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Shop Delivers for Urgent Need

A CAM package plays an integral role in helping this shop fulfill its customers’ emergency machining requirements.

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Multitasking for Productivity, Efficiency, Accuracy and More

Multitask machining (or using a mill-turn machine) means performing various manufacturing operations without manual intervention.

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Material Impacts On The Precision Machining Industry - December 2009

Prices for most raw materials used to make precision parts have double-digit increases for the year ending December 31, 2009. Surcharges, price increases, and short supplies of even common items characterize today’s market. Until larger inventories of scrap build up from increases in production, the industry and its supply chain face a paradox of no scrap from which to make steel, therefore no steel to make parts, therefore, no scrap to make steel… Copper and brass has doubled over the year. Aluminum is up over 40%. We anticipate spikes in surcharges, allocation, and long lead times throughout the first quarter of 2010.

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Switching Material Improves Productivity, Bar None

Serving the exacting and specialized requirements of the medical implant industry requires manufacturers to not only use the most precise, state-of-the-art metalworking equipment, but also high quality raw materials, including precision ground bar capable of offering tight dimensional tolerances and exceptional diameter uniformity.

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Marubeni Citizen CNC
manufacturer of machine tools
Come See Tsugami America at IMTS | Booth 339410
Kyocera EZ Bar Series
Horn USA
World Machine Tool Survey
Sharp, Durable, Innovative Diamond Powder
manufacturer of machine tools