PM Blog


A Company's Road to Lights-Out

Consolidation is usually about companies. However, this Illinois shop has found that consolidating turning spindles from eight stand-alone lathes into a single CNC multi- spindle, then running it lights-out is the way to go.

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Turning Machines

Hard Turning as an Alternative to Grinding

Hard turning can be a cost effective alternative for shops looking to streamline part processing.

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Automated Messaging Via CNC

New technology calls with alerts when performing light's out operations.

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Attaining Ten-Millionths Bore Accuracy

Conventional honing has been continuously improved and automated, now allowing boring accuracies to be measured in millionths.

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Grippers are a Workhandling Concept to Grasp

The cost of machine operation can be expensive, especially when machines must be manned all day long. In our current slow and unpredictable economy, many shops are looking at ways to reduce manpower and increase efficiency by automating their processes.

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Being a Good Neighbor is Good Business

PM E-Newsletter: Being a Good Neighbor is Good Business

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Effective Associating Delivers Tools You Can Use

There are many issues that confront our businesses these days.

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Medical Grinding Takes More Than a Machine

Medical grinding is attracting new players, partly because of opportunity, but also because it is possible to use the same equipment used to produce metalworking and woodworking tools.

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The Importance of Time

 Turning Point: The Importance of Time

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Qualifying for Medical Work: Advice from a da Vinci Shop

 Swiss shop with heavy medical experience shares how to get and keep medical customers.

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Longtime PMPA Member Bob Brinkman Retires from Brinkman International Group

Bob Brinkman, chairman of Brinkman International Group, has announced his retirement from the company that bears his name. The Rochester, N.

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Horn USA
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World Machine Tool Survey
Kyocera EZ Bar Series
manufacturer of machine tools
Marubeni Citizen CNC