PM Blog

Six Web Site Rules

Focusing on these guidelines can improve your Web site's effectiveness in serving the manufacturing markets and properly marketing yourself to Web-enabled purchasing prospects.

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Strength In Numbers

Today, it's a different domestic market with very different demands from customers of multispindle screw machine tools. Shops must deal with reduced part volume runs, higher accuracy demands, JIT inventory systems and very tight margins. Comprised of relatively small companies, the domestic screw machine industry had trouble making the adjustment to the newer manufacturing requirements.

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More Multispindle Autos

If someone had told me that world demand for multispindle automatics was increasing, I would have liked to know where the figures came from. Well, the "Preliminary Offering Circular" issued by Tornos of Switzerland to potential new shareholders, spoke of increasing demand for multis.

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How Much Is Your Business Really Worth?

It's never too soon, but it's always too late if you do not properly value your business. We all know that before a business partnership or cor­poration begins, the parties involved should agree upon how the partnership will be formed, how it will be operated and how it will be dissolved.  

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Manufacturing In The USA

Horn USA believes in being involved in the manufacturing community. Membership in the PMPA as a technical member and in the ISMA has afforded us the opportunity to learn about the difficulties others in the manufacturing community have faced during the economic slowdown and what is being done about it.

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Benefits Of Supplier Partnerships Done Right

Purchasing agents' understanding of differentiation is limited to price. You can only outperform your competition under these commodity rules if your strategy is cost leadership.

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Speeding Up Screw-Machined Production

Businesses need to prepare for an upswing as they do a downswing. Staffing, materials and production are just a few of the areas that need to be adjusted—but when? We at Sandvik Coromant think is should be done now.

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Turning To Drive-By-Wire

Drive-by-wire is causing the jitters at screw machine shops. Two concept cars from European sources have been demonstrated at recent European motor shows.

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Old Wine, New Bottle

Too many of the latest generation of machinists are unfamiliar with multispindle automatic bar machines—screw machines—so they lump all of them together as "World War II Acmes."  These machines may be old and obsolete, but there is value in the rapid, multispindle "screw machine" design. That concept is like old wine, and some machine shops are discovering how satisfying this old wine can be.  

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It's Business . . . And It's Personal

When we started Production Machining Magazine, we did it from our experience in screw machine product production and high-volume turning in Modern Machine Shop. The nature of precision machined products competition is in transition. We care about the health of the industry as a participant, not just as an observer. We care about your success not just because it's business, but for my family, our employees and me; it's personal.

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PM News: Reorganization Approved

The stockholders of Tornos SA (parent company of Tornos U.S. in Brookfield, Connecticut) approved a reorganization plan prepared by Tornos' management at the recent annual meeting. The reorganization is said to ensure the long term strength and continuation of Tornos despite the effect of the drop in orders in the last 18 months.

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It Shouldn't Be The Exception

I think that all businesses, whether they be home repair, screw machine shops, banks, you name it, need to know that exceeding customer expectations is the key to success. If you promise a delivery, meet it. If you say you can do a job, do it. These simple things should be the rule and not the exception.

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manufacturer of machine tools
Come See Tsugami America at IMTS | Booth 339410
Kyocera EZ Bar Series
Marubeni Citizen CNC
World Machine Tool Survey
Horn USA
Star Swiss-type automatic lathes