PM Blog

Choosing the Right Buy-Sell Agreement

There are two types of business continuation agreements: cross purchase agreement and stock redemption. Knowing the ins and outs and advantages of each will help a company choose the most appropriate agreement.

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Check Your Company's Attitude

If you are in manufacturing, no one has to tell you how tough the last few years have been. But you are still here, aren’t you? Just the fact that you are reading this magazine proves that you are still engaged. You are still looking for new tools, methods and ideas that will help you and your company win.  

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Leave A True Legacy Through Succession Planning

You have been successful. Careful succession planning should precede the transfer or sale of a family business. Whether you strategize carefully or not at all, the tax effects of your decisions will determine how much or how little your heirs will ultimately receive.

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Maximum Linkage

Using the Internet and Web to find information, research a topic or support your business can be rewarding, as more and more shop professionals are finding.

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Training For Now And The Future

Online learning tools are quickly becoming a standard for many shops looking to maintain a high level of continuing education while keeping expenses at a minimum.

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Barfeeders Have Come A Long Way

From the perspective of a barfeeding solutions company, this is an exciting time for the screw machine industry. We see our customers turning out a variety of parts, many of which are made to the tightest tolerances ever. We also find that they are rethinking their entire manufacturing process to improve productivity a

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Don't Confuse Your Customers

Job shops and manufacturing facilities of all types and sizes will find themselves applying maturing Internet- and Web-based technologies to improve many areas of their businesses. Shop management solutions for supply chain or enterprise management will allow you to provide—or will soon allow you to provide—your existing customers with real-time account information and empowerment to participate more efficiently in their relationships with you. As you begin to explore these types of options, or to nourish existing applications, it’s important to consider the stresses that participation in such systems may place upon your partners. For example, consider passwords.

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THINC Together

The belief that “two heads are better than one” has been taken to a new level. As the first facility of its kind, Partners in THINC is where a customer can come to see real parts being manufactured for real customers. In addition, this facility is where 26 of the industry’s leaders have committed products, engineers and time to reach out to the manufacturing industry to solve problems and create solutions as a team—a multi-discipline partnership.

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Lights, Camera, Action

The Web cam has brought interesting opportunities for the average person to broadcast live-action footage throughout the world via the Internet.

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The Future Of Broaching

When broaching internal keyways, everyone has their favorite method—vertical slotting, wobble or rotary broaching or push or pull broaching. However, the engineers at this Baldor plant are going with a different method.

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Simulation Fascination

One package that was created for the newer generation of Swiss-type machines and lathes is SylvieXpert, developed in Switzerland and distributed in the United States by JuraTech Engineering (Oxnard, California).

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NC Coding For Encoders

With the right CAM system, this manufacturer of industrial encoders was able to incorporate offline part programming and knowledge-based machining for increased productivity.

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Star swiss-type automatic lathes
Sharp, Durable, Innovative Diamond Powder
World Machine Tool Survey
Horn USA
manufacturer of machine tools
Kyocera EZ Bar Series
Sharp, Durable, Innovative Diamond Powder