Conroe Machine (Conroe, Texas) is doing what most machine shops only dream of: hard turning a family of parts around the clock in an unmanned cell that operates a “self-controlled” process.
To remain competitive, many manufacturing companies are looking for accurate, reliable and maintenance-free machine tools offering fast change-over, programming and setup.
The article focuses on state GDP figures published by the Bureau of Economic Analysis for 2012. The data shows the states that had the largest percentage of output attributable to manufacturing: The “10 states where manufacturing still matters.”
Up against a tight deadline and down to a single insert to run an entire batch of hardened steel components, Metalmite turned to Sandvik Coromant to help overcome a tough threading operation and take an expensive outsourced job in-house for a fraction of the cost.
Although you’re intrigued by the process of additive manufacturing, you might be under the assumption that it is beyond the capabilities of your shop; after all, something this different from what you are doing now is out of your league.