KGM 282 Grid Encoder Test CNC Machines
Heidenhain’s KGM 281 grid encoder has a measuring range of 140 mm in diameter and an increased accuracy of ±1 μm, and the model’s grid plate with phase grating has an optical measuring standard and is embedded in a two-piece aluminum holder.
Heidenhain’s KGM 281 grid encoder has a measuring range of 140 mm in diameter and an increased accuracy of ±1 μm. The 281 model’s grid plate with phase grating has an optical measuring standard and is embedded in a two-piece aluminum holder. The design of this holder is said to prevent mechanical stress from being induced at the level of the measuring standard even if the mounting surface is not plane, making an accuracy grade of ±1 μm possible.
The grid encoder can be mated to the same dimensions as the previous KGM 181, but due to the revised mechanical design it is 21.5-mm higher.
The grid encoder tests the contouring accuracy of CNC-controlled machine tools. It can perform, for example, circular interpolation tests with radii ranging from 115 mm down to 0.1 mm at feed rates up to 80 m/min. The grid encoder can also perform free-form tests in two axes. According to the company, advantages include its contact-free measurement, which eliminates the influence of ball bearings such as with the DBB.
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