Automation & Robots
Video: Parts Accumulator Allows for Unattended Machining
One of the advantages of a Swiss-type lathe is that once you’ve set up the bar feeder, you’re good to go until you run out of barstock. This accumulator simplifies the other end of the operation.
WatchNew Super-Efficient Assembly Line Improves Productivity, Flexibility
Studer’s assembly line moves machines forward through 16 workstations without requiring them to be relocated for additional operations, including test grinding.
Read MoreCobots are Coming
Today, we are seeing the emergence of collaborative robots that use sophisticated sensors that allow humans and robots to work together without the need for guarding.
Read MoreRedefining ‘Smart’ in America
Colleges focus on teaching critical thinking; vocational schools focus on critical skills, along with a certain level of critical thinking.
Read MoreAutomate to Eliminate Non-Value-Added Labor
Automation should free up employees to add even more, higher value-added items to your operations.
Read MoreMoving Automation In
This traditional Ohio-based screw machine shop worked with a system integrator and used its in-house expertise to create a sophisticated production cell to go along with its other automation forays.
Read MoreRobot Aids Additive Research
Delcam's ABB robot that's fitted with a cold metal transfer welding head will be used mainly for research in robot programming for metal additive manufacturing.
Read MoreAdvantages of Cellular Manufacturing
Manufacturing cells are used to minimize product movement as well as materials, equipment and labor during the manufacturing process. By reducing cycle times and material handling, these cells help shops more easily meet customer demands regarding cost, quality and leadtimes.
Read MoreImproving Automation with Collaborative Robots
Learn more about collaborative robots, which are designed to ease the transition to automation by working directly alongside employees, with no need for safety caging.
Read MoreMinimizing Personnel with Unattended Operations
Once a machine is cutting parts, the operator is free to perform other duties. It makes sense that the longer the machine can run unattended, the more of these other duties the operator would be able to perform.
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