PM Blog

Video: Emerging Leader Michael P. Reader is Dedicated to Bringing Company to Next Level

Growing up working on the shop floor at Precision Plus Inc. and knowing his heart was in manufacturing at a young age, Michael P. Reader now plays a prominent role at the company as V. P. of engineering.


Lean Means Being Comfortable

Like writing, lean manufacturing requires people to be comfortable in their own skin while checking any ego issues at the door.

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Safe, Smart, Sustainable, Stable — Dispelling the Manufacturing Myths

Manufacturing has had a bad rap for a long time. The 3-Ds — Dark, Dirty, Dangerous — are almost a universal cultural belief wherever you go and no matter with whom you speak. 

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Production Machining’s September 2021 News Highlights

Precision machining does not stand still. Pandemic or no pandemic, the industry continues to progress with new events, acquisitions, collaborations and customer support programs.

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Parts Cleaning

Is Laser Cleaning Beneficial for Your Application?

Laser ablation is an economical and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional cleaning processes. However, depending on the amount and type of contamination to be removed and the geometry of the part being cleaned, laser cleaning might not be best suited for all cleaning applications.

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Video: Emerging Leader Britany Dittmer Achieves Goals with Fresh Ideas

Dittmer is described as a hands-on leader who has earned the respect of her Alco Manufacturing team of 200-plus through her drive and dedication.

Parts Cleaning

Learn from the Industrial Cleaning Experts

Experts in the cleaning field are people like you who work with cleaning technology daily. Learning from colleagues is the optimal way to stay informed of the latest trends and technologies. 

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Thread Milling Tips for Tricky Aerospace Materials

Compared to tapping, thread milling offers advantages for creating threads in challenging materials such as high-temperature alloys.

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Video: Women Talk Shop, but not Only for Women

A panel discussion with three precision machine shop women presidents highlights their career paths, why they are passionate about manufacturing, how they promote workforce development and much more.


Young Leaders Define Their Business Strategies

Production Machining 2021 Emerging Leaders share their approaches for developing skilled labor and ensuring that continuous improvement is top of mind to keep their companies competitive.

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Parts Cleaning

Role of pH in Cleaning Chemicals

Learn about when to use which type of chemical cleaner for an application, and how understanding the pH scale in this situation is beneficial. 

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Precision Machining Jobs Account for 7 of the Top 25 High Paying Jobs — No College Degree Required

Those who hire in the precision machining industry have a persuasive point for prospective employees who don’t hold — or want to go into debt to hold — a college degree.

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Sharp, Durable, Innovative Diamond Powder