5 Cell Technologies now offers hyperMill CAM software from Open Mind in Texas and Louisiana, with a strong focus on five-axis milling and mill-turn capabilities.
With the cooperation between Orderfox.com and CNC-Jobs Inc., manufacturers, buyers and all related industries can take advantage of the available resources within the Orderfox.com platform, and prove that daily use will continue to provide lasting benefits for all members, the company says.
U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos participated in Butler Tech’s Manufacturing Recognition and Signing Day, when 39 students signed commitment letters to work in manufacturing jobs at Greater Cincinnati companies.
Platinum Tooling Technologies Inc. is now selling products from Tecnicrafts Industries, a manufacturer of collets and guide bushings for Swiss-type CNC lathes.
Big Kaiser presented a donation for $6,675 to benefit the NTMA’s National Robotics League (NRL). The donation was the result of a year-end promotion by Big Kaiser, giving back to the association a percentage of every order by an NTMA or AMT member company.
Absolute Machine Tools’ booth at PMTS 2019 will feature Swiss machining, single- or multi-spindle screw machining, CNC lathe turning or milling solutions for any precision turning application.