Miles Free Director of Industry Affairs, PMPA

Trends in Advanced Industries: Brookings Institute

The Brookings Institute has prepared a comprehensive report on America’s Advanced Industries, or industries that invest at least $450 per worker in R&D and employ at least 20 percent of their workforce in STEM-intensive occupations.

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Is it Supply or Demand that Drives Our Business?

The Great Recession, which lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, established conclusively for me that it is demand and not supply that determines our businesses’ success. (NBER, 2010).

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OSHA’s Top 10 Most Frequently Cited Standards – FY 2015

Think of your efforts here as an investment in ‘Penalty Prevention.’

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We Have Met the Enemy, and He is Us

Why we shouldn’t blame the millennials for their lack of success at work.

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Craftsman's Cribsheet: 4 Keys to Business Sustainability

Many people, particularly those in purchasing and accounting, see buying at the lowest costs as being a key to sustaining their business.

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Careers, College, Dollars and STEM

A STEM education may be the best pathway to a great job.

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Orders of Magnitude: Key to Process Problem Solving

If you have an intermittent or periodic problem, start counting frequency of occurrence, and then figure out what the order of magnitude is compared with your process.

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A Contract Review is Your Best 'Assurance' Policy

How can we assure that we intelligently manage the risk faced by ourselves, our customers, their customers or the general public? My answer is having an effective contract review process.

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Precision Doesn’t Necessarily Mean ‘Tiny’

At Keystone, the operators roll the thread form onto the material, which makes for a stronger thread.

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Manufacturing Sectors that Grew in the Year Ending in April 2016

Dr. Chad Moutray, chief economist at National Association of Manufacturers, has compiled and shared the data for the past year in manufacturing.

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Orders of Magnitude: Key to Process Problem Solving

To solve periodic or intermittent problems in our shops, the first step after identifying the problem is collecting data about when and how often it occurs.

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Using PMPA Business Trends Report to Understand Your Business

Here are a few takeaways from the PMPA March 2016 Business Trends Report.

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Horn USA
Marubeni Citizen CNC
Kyocera EZ Bar Series
Star swiss-type automatic lathes
manufacturer of machine tools
World Machine Tool Survey
Horn USA