Miles Free Director of Industry Affairs, PMPA

An Update to OSHA’s National Emphasis Program on Amputations

In this latest update, NAICS code 332710, machine shops and most other 332 NAICS code categories are listed as targets.

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Process Owner Day Instead of Labor Day

Today, I celebrate the process owners, such as the machinists, that can tear down and set up a multi-spindle cam machine in less than 2 hours.

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Popular Heat Treat Colors for Steel Chart is Back

My “Temper Colors for Steel Chart” post remains very popular, so I thought I'd repost the chart illustrating the heat treat colors for steel.

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Causes of Part Length Variation on Screw Machine Parts

There are many different ways part length can vary when using a cut-off tool on multi-spindle automatic screw machines.

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6 Lessons I Learned about our Machining Business

Last month, I was privileged to attend Horn Technology Days. Here are the lessons I learned.

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Craftsman's Cribsheet: Plan. Do. Study. Adjust.

Continuous improvement is of necessity in the very DNA of our shops.

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Not Labor Day, Process Owner Day

Labor doesn’t add much value. In my experience, it only moved stuff around. The labor jobs went away. Today, I celebrate the process owners that can tear down and set up a multi-spindle cam machine in under 2 hours. They own their process and own their craft.

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Machining Book for Beginners

Although this book states it's for beginner hobbyists, it can be used to supplement on-the-job training for beginners, as well.

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Training Your Apprentices: A Project to Prove their 'Mettle'

  At the recent Horn Technology Days, I spent some time hanging out with the apprentices.

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The Real Truth About the Skilled Workforce Issue

"The workforce and finding skilled people are our shop's biggest problems." I hear this line from almost every shop I visit.

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The Meaning of 'American-Made' Cars

So what is an American car? One made by my friends and neighbors, one made from materials and parts purchased locally, one that the first digit of the VIN is a 1, and one that has more than 50 percent “domestic content.”

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Craftsman's Cribsheet: Ra & Rz: Communication is Key

Everyone will agree that open lines of communication with your customers is key to running a successful business, and nowhere is that more evident than in setting expectations before a job even begins.

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Horn USA
Marubeni Citizen CNC
Kyocera EZ Bar Series
Star swiss-type automatic lathes
manufacturer of machine tools
Sharp, Durable, Innovative Diamond Powder
manufacturer of machine tools