Miles Free Director of Industry Affairs, PMPA

Entrepreneurship in Sweden Reminds Me of Our Shops' Spirit

This reminded me a lot of the entrepreneurial spirit that we find in our shops. Do you, too, have the gnosjöandan spirit?

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Tool Life Varies When Machining Carbon and Alloy Steels

There are many ways tools can fail. This article discusses factors in the steel that can lead to failure.

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Accommodating Unleaded Brass

By recognizing and accommodating for unleaded brasses' lack of lead, and the different thermal conductivity, differences in chip forming, and the need to up-tool for heavier feeds rather than higher speeds, your shop can also be successful at making parts from these newer, more challenging grades.

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Don't Tell Me Your Vision, Tell Me Your Values

I really don’t care about your vision.

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Three Key Factors to Understand Machinability of Carbon and Alloy Steel

The machinability of steel bars is determined by three primary factors.

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Three Ideas to Thrive in 2015

Recalibrate your plan, invest in training your talent, and plan for leadtime issues.

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Ancient Metal Ingots Recovered from Shipwreck

Cast metal called orichalucum, which was said by Ancient Greeks to be found in Atlantis, has been recovered from a ship that sunk 2,600 years ago off the coast of Sicily.

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OSHA Reporting Requirements for Employers Now in Effect

A new wallet card issued by OSHA will help your supervisors understand the changes to Injury and Illness Reporting Requirements that are now in effect.

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Recognize and Challenge Assumptions

How many of us realize that we have a choice between solutions, and that lowest price doesn’t necessarily mean lowest cost to us?

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US Should Consider German Apprenticeship Model

The German apprenticeship model is effective in Germany. But can it be successfully transplanted here? “The Atlantic” recently posted an article discussing the German Apprenticeship model.

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NLRB Action Will Hurt Manufacturing Employees and Employers

On Friday, December 12, the NLRB released the “Ambush Election” rule, which limits the amount of time employees have to consider whether or not to join a union to as little as 10-14 days, down from an average of 56 days.

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The Meaning of Ductility

In order to successfully deal with ductile materials, strategies such as chip control features on inserts, wiper style inserts, through tool coolant, interrupted cuts, chip breakers, and high pressure coolant can be considered.

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