Miles Free Director of Industry Affairs, PMPA

It Takes a Factory to Make a Manufacturer

How can you call yourself a manufacturer if you don’t manufacture anything? The Economic Classification Policy Committee (ECPC) of the Census Bureau is considering changing the definition of manufacturing to include “Factoryless Goods Producers” (FGPs) as part of an update to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2017.

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Craftsman's Cribsheet: Turning Nonconformances into Stronger Relationships

How can we use a nonconforming event to solidify relationships with customers?

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Memorandum Published for OSHA Temporary Citation Policy for Electrical Power Standard

Here's a link to the June 20, OSHA memorandum for regional administrators, outlining its temporary enforcement policy.

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Industrial Press Engineers Guide Packed with Data

I am a fan of Lean, but the amount of fundamental data that Industrial Press has packed into this shirt pocket guide amazed me and will amaze you, too.

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Reinvigorate the American Dream through Manufacturing

Here are the six fresh, actionable ideas to expand the opportunities for middle class manufacturing jobs, restoring the American Dream developed by the Millstein Commission.

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Craftsman's Cribsheet: Inspection of Slings, Lifting Devices and Rigging Equipment

OSHA 1926.251(a)(1): “Rigging equipment for material handling shall be inspected prior to use on each shift and as necessary during its use to ensure that it is safe. Defective rigging equipment shall be removed from service.”

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Don't Tell Them, Show Them

Precision manufacturing today is far different from the dirty factories that most people remember from the days of black and white television.

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A 4-Year Degree isn’t Necessary to Excel in this Field

The majority of the demand for skilled workforce in industry is in this area of engineering and production technology, requiring some post high school education or credential, but less than a 4-year bachelor’s degree.

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Ways to Attract Youth to Manufacturing

LNS Research has come up with seven ways to attract youth to manufacturing. PMPA thinks they are right on.

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Precision Plus Leads the Way in Skilled Workforce Development

PMPA member company, Precision Plus in Elkhorn, Wisconsin, is only one of many PMPA companies committed to changing the conversation about manufacturing careers and helping to give advanced manufacturing skills to our future workforce.

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Lockout Tagout Periodic Inspection

Providing lockout/tagout devices and ensuring that equipment is capable of being locked out/tagged out are other management responsibilities and are typically well handled in the shops I visit. If management doesn't have their part right, there is next to no chance that the company will pass an audit.

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Too Many American Men are on Disability

It isn’t American men manufacturing the products being unloaded here, Mr.

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World Machine Tool Survey
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World Machine Tool Survey