Miles Free Director of Industry Affairs, PMPA

Don’t Burn the Tool

If a tool gets too hot to hold while grinding, you have already ruined it.

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OSHA: Requirements Change for Reporting Fatalities and Severe Injuries

Under the revised rule, employers will be required to notify OSHA of work-related fatalities within 8 hours, and work-related in-patient hospitalizations, amputations or losses of an eye within 24 hours.

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What is Expected of the Part

The real question is, "What is expected of the part in subsequent processing and final end use?" It is not, "What is the lowest cost material to make the part?"

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Manufacturing in Northern Michigan Sees Strongest Growth in Years

We know there is some amazing manufacturing going on at KSP, where they ship more than 2.8 million high tech, high precision parts each month.

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Grinding Advice for Safety

Here are some additional reasons why you should not need gloves when working on grinders and grinding machines.

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Gloves and Grinders Don’t Mix

Never wear gloves while working with grinders.

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Factoryless Goods Producer Classification Proposal Withdrawn

The Office of Management and Business reported on August 8 that the proposal to create a “Factoryless Goods Producer” classification for the NAICS 2017 has been withdrawn.

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Craftsman's Cribsheet: Do your parts meet the article exemption test for REACH?

For an object to be considered an article, the following conditions should be fulfilled.

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It Takes a Factory to Make a Manufacturer

… unless you work in Washington D.C., where they are trying to create a classification for Factoryless Goods Producers (FGPs). PMPA helps our members intelligently manage regulatory risk by paying attention to proposals in Washington D.C. that could have a harmful effect on manufacturing and their businesses.

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No Such Thing as Carbon Steel Without Manganese

Manganese ties up sulfur before it can chemically combine with iron to form iron pyrite.

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High Percentage of Workers Close to Retirement Age

Openings for skilled workers as older workers retire are seen as the biggest challenge facing manufacturers in this economic policy report from Connexus Indiana and CBER Muncie.

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VIDEO: Micron Manufacturing's Lean Demolition

How does this company demolish a wall to make room for new equipment?

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