Miles Free Director of Industry Affairs, PMPA

Precision Machining Industry: Rebuilding Our Bench

Our industry is addressing the Skills Gap by taking positive steps to increase employee knowledge and engage talented people seeking well-paying careers.

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It's More Than Just a Phone to IT Folks

As I am just a manufacturing guy among 4,000 computer, software and systems experts, I was in a unique position to see what our world looks like from the IT side of things.

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OSHA Needs to Enforce its Tower Regulations

Four communications tower related deaths have already occurred this year, according to OSHA, and more were killed last year than in the prior 2 years combined. Every one of them was preventable.

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Tooling Usually Causes Central Bursts in Cold Drawn Steel

This post will focus on the central bursts in cold drawn steel, especially from the point of view of a shop making parts on automated equipment.

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PMPA Member Wins Training Grant

North Easton Machine will be receiving $41,500 to help train 25 employees and create job opportunities for four additional staff over the next 2 years.

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Material Selection for Machined Product Applications

Here is a checklist for selecting materials for making parts by precision machining.

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Determine if Difficulty is Shop or Office Problem

There is no doubt that the shop people are closer to the problem. But is it their problem?

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Demonstrate 'Safety First' Leadership

How many safety violations do you see in this photo?

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Whatever Happened to ‘Thou Shalt Not Covet?' A Look at Tax Reform

Alan Beaulieu, president and principal economist at ITR, recently took a look at the Tax Overhaul Proposal authored by David Camp, chairman of the House Ways and Means committee. What he reports is chilling for small manufacturers, prospects for employment and the economy.

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New OSHA Recordkeeping Bulletin for Temporary Workers

Injuries and illnesses should be recorded on only one employer’s injury and illness log.

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Conversion of Hardness and Tensile Strength in Steels

Use of conversion charts and factors to convert hardness values in steels is widely done and typically based on ASTM methodology.

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Accuracy vs. Precision

Your quality assurance manager can put you to sleep explaining the difference between these two terms, but you really need to know the difference.

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