Miles Free Director of Industry Affairs, PMPA

Recovering customer-caused waste in your shop, Part 2

At least half of the eight wastes of lean can be identified and assigned as customer-caused losses to a manufacturing shop’s bottom line.

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Top Ten OSHA Violations

Patrick Kapust, deputy director of OSHA’s directorate of enforcement programs, presented the “OSHA Top Ten” at the National Safety Council 2015 Safety Congress.

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Recovering customer-caused waste in your shop, Part 1

What are you doing to recover customer-caused waste in your shop?

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The Good Word on NIMS from the Gene Haas Foundation

“The growth and passion I have seen in in manufacturing education and credentialing in only a short time has been amazing.”

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Report from the Team

Here's what we've accomplished for our members at PMPA this year.

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OSHA Fines will Increase 80%

Federal penalties for workplace safety violations were increased for the first time since 1990, thanks to a provision of the budget bill signed into law by President Barack Obama.

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Congressman Visits PMPA Member Company

Congressman David Joyce toured PMPA member company JM Performance Products Inc. to see how district manufacturing jobs create value for the entire country and how important STEM is to manufacturing.

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4 Keys to Long-Term Sustainability

Solve problems first, solve problems for good, understand that lowest cost over the long term is not the lowest price over the short term, and spend less time and money on maintenance by actually planning it.

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Heat Treat Colors for Steel

The chart shows the heat treat colors for steel by temperature.

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Energy in Your Shop: It’s More Than Just Utilities

The existing power plant carbon emissions rule is said to only raise your electricity bill by 6 to 12 percent, according to the EPA. Energy bills are only 2.5 to 3.0 percent of sales in our industry. So, what’s the big deal?

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Craftsman's Cribsheet: 30 Potential Causes of Part Length Variation on Screw Machine Parts

There are many different ways that part length can vary when using a cut-off tool on multiple-spindle automatic screw machines.

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Business Success: Sustainability, Not Lowest Price

What problem has your team made go away forever in your shop? Can you name one? Two? More?

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