How Do You Know What to Do Next?

Do modern, quality tools provide an answer?

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Do You Have a Plan or a Wish? Strategic Planning | Part 1

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”  – Antoine de Saint-Expery

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A No/Low-Cost Solution to Employee Retention

Studies show a little employee recognition goes a long way. Here are the 5Ws to consider for success.

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New Thinking from the New Generation for the New Year

“We have to learn to think in a new way.” –Albert Einstein

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Roles of Women in Manufacturing: What I Learned

Over 20 women were featured in the Roles of Women in Manufacturing series, which started in January 2023.

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Machining Unleaded Materials — Reliability is Possible

Leaded steel is no longer produced in the United States. How do shops approach unleaded brass and steel machining?

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Craftsman Cribsheet No. 121: ISO Turning — What Does it All Mean?

How to make sense of all those different letters and numbers in ISO turning inserts.

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Shipping/Receiving in Manufacturing: Yahaira Bermudez, Ramona Campbell and Elizabeth Colin

Three women share their journeys to shipping/receiving in manufacturing, and give advice to anyone seeking a career in manufacturing.

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One Sign to Rule Them All

It is possible that one sign holds the key to understanding a shop’s culture and performance.

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Craftsman Cribsheet No. 120: Safety Needs to Be Comfortable

It’s important to be conscious of how comfortability affects performance.

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Diamond powder for wafer lapping & metal polishing
Star swiss-type automatic lathes
Davenport Machine
IMTS 2024
manufacturer of machine tools
Horn USA