Chips — Our Real Product

We don’t make parts. Parts are the result of the chips we make. And the chips can tell you all you need to know. 

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Craftsman Cribsheet No. 105: Yield Loss Due to Bar End Remnants

Yield loss on raw materials can become a hidden way of losing money in your shop. Using a chart and sample calculations can help you better understand why you might be better off buying longer bars for your process to reduce yield loss dollars.

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What NFL Teams, Street Gangs and Your Workforce Have in Common

A sense of belonging is important for successful teamwork, retention and job performance.

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Knowledge Retention — What’s Your Process?

Our processes and work instructions provide the information needed for our performers to understand “the who, what and how” to do the task. But where do we keep the information needed so everyone understands “the why and the reasons behind” our work?

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Craftsman Cribsheet No. 104: Common Applications of CNC Machining

Provided by W.H. Bagshaw Co. Inc., Nashua, New Hampshire

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What’s in a Name? Pride.

Titles matter to employees. Are your operators actually operators? Or do they read prints, check quality, change tooling and adjust oil lines like a machinist? Hmmm...

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Workforce Is Still the Most Important Challenge

It is as true today as it was 10 years ago...workforce is top of mind for precision machining shops.

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A New Year Resolution for Your Business

Need a New Year resolution that will help your business, productivity and hiring practices? Create or review your company’s mission statement, vision statement and core values. 

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5-S: Ask a Toolmaker

A place for everything and everything in its place. A visit to Fischer Special Tooling during PMPA’s Mastery Program provided a glowing example of the 5-Ss: Sorting, Setting in order, Shine, Standardize and Sustain.

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Craftsman Cribsheet No. 103: Advantages of CNC Machining

Provided by W.H. Bagshaw Co. Inc. in Nashua, New Hampshire

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Horn USA
Diamond powder for wafer lapping & metal polishing
SPC Innovations, In-machine gaging and attachments
Davenport Machine
Marubeni Citizen CNC
Horn USA